Our Philosophy of Care
We believe in the benefits of continuity of care and a ‘usual doctor’ will be responsible for each patient, although patients can choose to see any doctor.
We believe in developing the skills of our team, therefore we have encouraged our nursing team to study for higher qualifications and to gain specialist skills. Paul Berry and Cath Molineux are Advanced Clinical Nurse Practitioners qualified to assess, prescribe and provide care to patients with both acute and long term conditions.
Lisa Millar and Mihaela Niedzwiedz are Nurse Practitioners and nurse prescribers and are qualified to assess, treat and prescribe for minor conditions. They are also our COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and asthma nurses. Our Practice Nurse is Debbie Smith who carries out injections, smears, holiday vaccinations, dressings and all general nursing.
Our Healthcare Assistants are Laura Bate and Sharon Hackett. They have received training to carry out a range of clinical measurements & procedures including blood pressure monitoring, and hearing. They also carry out the Longterm Condition Reviews.