Feedback & Complaints



See the reviews other patients and services users have made about our practice

Test Results


The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England. The survey is sent out to over two million people across the UK. The results show how people feel about their GP practice. Visit their “How do I…?” page to learn more or read their FAQ.

More detailed results from the GP Patient Survey are available from the GP Patient Survey website

NHS Friends and Family

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Friends & Family Feedback

Friends and Family feedback is captured through text messaging patients attending the practice and is anonymised, meaning we do not see which patient has left feedback. Please see latest feedback below:

June 2024

Very Good: 179
Good: 37
Poor: 2
Very Poor: 0
Neither Good nor Poor: 3
Don't Know: 0

May 2024

Very Good: 199

Good: 60

Poor: 7

Very Poor: 7

Neither Good Nor Poor: 2

Don't Know 0

April 2024.

Very Good: 166

Good: 41

Poor: 0

Very Poor: 1

Neither Good Nor Poor: 4

Don't Know: 0

March 2024.
Very Good: 206
Good: 27
Poor: 2
Very Poor : 5
Neither Good nor Poor: 4
Don't Know: 0

February 2024

Very Good: 185                        

Good: 49                                 

Neither Good Nor Poor:            

Poor: 5                                       

Very Poor: 2                                

Don't Know  0  

January 2024                                 

Very Good: 150                        

Good: 36                                   

Neither Good Nor Poor:  2            

Poor: 5                                       

Very Poor: 7                                 

Don't Know  0